Monday, March 25, 2013

Here we go...

Thanks for checking in on Meg -
As you can see today she is looking lovely in grey and a big smile. 
We will keep you posted!  


  1. We are sending you strength and courage, Meg. Kevin T

  2. Thank you, Em, for creating this blog! Meg has so many people in the community that care about her- we all are concerned about Meg and family and this is a great way to get information out without bothering them. I am looking forward to updates and I'll be thinking about Meg!

  3. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop Em! Pame and I have kicked up our positive energy machine to full blast, and instead of broadcasting valley wide we've focused the beam on Meg Brooker! I turned the oven on as well,the machine runs on pizza and beer, I don't know how it works but at this capacity it's best to keep the tank at 3/4. We love ya Meg, be strong and we'll be thinking of you! Love Pame and Cody Stekly

  4. Hi Meg and Anders, I am devastated to hear this news. You know I have been there and done that, AND I'm right next door. If you want to stop over for a cup of tea, help, advice, an empathetic ear, -- anything -- I am right there and more than willing to do whatever I can. In any case, I'll be thinking about you both a lot and sending postive energy your way.
    Candi Merrill

    And yes - thank you, Em for creating this blog! And to you too, if there is anything I can help with - blogging advice - whatever, don't hesitate to give me a call.

  5. Thanks, Em. Just been sitting here wondering what was going on. If our family can do anything to help, we're always available. I think you know that!! Keep positive thoughts. It's all going to be OK!

  6. Behind you all the way with positive thoughts and lots of prayers.

  7. Thanks Em! All the best to you Meg & Anders. Please let Jenna or I know if we can help in any way.

    John Wicks

  8. Blessings upon you, Em, for stepping up to keep us posted. And Meg, Rennie and I are thinking of you and sending healing energy your way. You will get through this surgery JUST FINE, and if you need to talk to a brain surgery survivor, you just talk to Rennie, she too has "been there done that," and maybe could help. Love love love to you. Suzanne and Rennie. See you at the marathon!!!!!

  9. Meg and Anders have given so much to the running community in Missoula. I know that myself and many others would jump at the chance to help in any way we can. So please post if there is anything we can do. Until then, I'll be praying for Meg's recovery and strength for the both of them.

  10. Sending positive waves of light and energy from Kansas!
