Thursday, April 4, 2013

Here we are...

I know that we are all anxious now to hear what the next step for Meg is.  This is where we stand:

A section of the tumor has been sent off to the Mayo Clinic for further testing.  We should get some initial results in a few days, and then more specific results a couple of days following that.

The way that Dr. Lerch (Meg's dad) explained it to me is, " we have the tumor, now we have to find out it's make, model and year."  Then the doctors will be able to make a specific care plan for Meg. 

At this point it could be anywhere from
    a) the tumor is out and is not the kind to have traveled elsewhere in the brain and Meg will just get periodic MRIs to make sure there is no recurrence.
             - to-
    b) It is an aggressive tumor and Meg starts hammering back with the best cancer treatments there are. 

It is really really really hard to just wait, but for now that's what we do.  Meg has had a GREAT surgery (Thank you Dr. Brewington) and is recovering fantastically. 

Now we just wait, stay positive and know that whatever comes, Meg will be able to approach it with her same positive attitude and with all of us to keep her afloat.

Thanks so much for keeping Meg in your thoughts, and keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. No matter where it goes from here, Meg has the love and support of the community...we won't let up! And neither will her faith. She is awesome...and she looked awesome yesterday-totally amazed us!!!!!
